The Mormon History Association’s Tanner Lectures - The First Twenty Years
The Tanner lectures, now firmly entrenched as an institution at the annual Mormon History Association meetings, were established in 1980 as a means of providing scholars of Mormonism with a valuable new perspective for their historical record. All twenty-
Contributions by: Gordon S Wood, Richard T. Hughes, Timothy J. Smith, Nathan O Hatch, John F Wilson, R Laurence Moore, D. W. Meinig, John F. C. Harrison, Glenda Riley, Martin Ridge, Patricia Nelson Limerick, Anne Firor Scott, Peter Lineham, Howrad R Lamar, John G Gager, Rodney Stark, Langdom Gilkey, Laurie F Maffly-Kipp, Henry Warner Bowden, Martin Marty, Edwin Gaustad