The Tropical Agriculturalist Dairying
This practical guide covers in detail the rearing of calves and heifers, and the management, feeding and nutrition of milk cows. Examples of milk production systems and regimes are also described. The development of dairying and the constraints that affect farmers in tropical zones receive particular attention. Milk breeds and cattle breeding, milk processing, products and marketing are all included in a comprehensive text. Other titles in the "Tropical Agriculturalist" series include "Sheep", "Pigs", "Goats", "Animal Breeding", "Upland Rice", "Tea", "Cotton", "Weed Control", "Cocoa", "The Storage of Food Grains and Seeds", "Poultry", "Rabbits", "Draught Animals", "Ruminent Nutrition", "Sugar Cane", "Maize", "Plantain Bananas", "Coffee Growing", "Food Legumes", "Cassava" and "Sorghum".