Criminal Procedure, Second Edition is a contemporary, comprehensive, case-driven textbook from award-winning teacher Matthew Lippman that covers the constitutional foundation of criminal procedure and includes numerous cases selected for their appeal to today's students.
With an emphasis on diversity and its impact on how laws are enforced, this clearly written textbook features numerous learning devices, including You Decide scenarios, Cases and Comments, and Legal Equations and is accompanied by robust ancillaries, including an open-access student study site with Web-based activities, helpful study aids, and resources.
Features and Benefits:
- Edited cases introduced by clear and accessible essays bring the criminal procedure process to life. Additional edited cases are available on the student study Web site
- You Decide exercises ask students to assume the role of a judge and become part of the criminal procedure process. The student study Web site offers answers to these challenges.
- Questions after each case immediately reinforce learning and end-of-chapter questions help students review for exams.
- Learning objectives open each chapter and orient readers to the material that follows.
- Invaluable in-text learning aids include a glossary with terminology for each chapter and end-of-chapter links to the student study Website, which includes summaries of leading cases, Criminal Procedure on the Web exercises, and much more.