This book provides multi-layered and nuanced perspectives on how drivers of change may influence cultural tourism on a global, national and local level. As such, it contributes to a greater understanding of how cultural tourism will be governed, performed and experienced within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous future environment. The volume examines how the cultural tourism sector can address the needs of cultural tourists through product and service development, offers insights into alternative, post-anthropocentric values underpinning cultural tourism governance and consumption, and engages with immersive, collaborative, slow and technology-driven cultural heritage-based tourism experiences. The book includes both empirical and conceptual chapters, with the contributors suggesting various alternatives that are underpinned by utopian and/or dystopian outlooks on the likely future(s) of cultural tourism.
Chapter 8 is free to download as an open access publication under a CC BY NC ND licence. You can download it here: