Moon of Three Rings: It is the time of the Moon of the Three Ringswhen the Free Trader ship Lydis lands on the primitive world of Yiktor, aworld the Combine was seeking to control for the power the Three Rings wouldbring them. The life of a Free Trader was all junior crew member Krip Vorlundknew. That life ended at a beast show on Yiktor when Vorlund was strangelyattracted to the owner of the show animals, a delicate and mysterious womannamed Maelen. Too soon Vorlund learned the nature of Maelen's sorcery, too soonhe is caught up in the struggle over the fate of a world.... But his soul wouldremain his own.
Exiles of the Stars: The galactic trade ship Lydis is makinga run to the planet Thoth when a civil war lands her in a battle of ancientpowers and nameless evil, with a Forerunner treasure at its heart. The crewseems normal-until you look closely at two of its members: Krip Vorlund, a manwho walks in a body not his own, and his pet, a four-legged beast hiding themind of Maelen the Moon Singer, a woman whose esper powers can save them all-orbring them to eternal destruction.
Visual artist(s): Taiyo Matsumoto