This is an authoritative and comprehensive vision of molecular cell biology. Advances in our knowledge of how cells work has driven the discipline to the point where we understand the cell at new levels of complexity such as larger signalling complexes in cells, and cells interacting with other cells. To present this new view of molecular cell biology and the accompanying advances in experimental technology, the fifth edition shows exciting developments in cell birth, lineage and death expanded coverage of signalling systems within the whole cell/organism and expanded coverage of metabolism and movement of lipids. In addition, new pedagogy includes research questions by looking at real experimental data in "analysing the data" problems and "updated perspectives for the future" at the end of each chapter, which explore potential applications of future discoveries and unanswered questions that lie ahead for researchers. The media package includes a companion website with animations, videos and classic experiments covering groundbreaking molecular cell biology experiments to enhance student learning. For instructors there are PowerPoint images from the text solutions and a test bank. Other supplements include an instructor's CD-ROM containing all text images, a conversion guide from the 4th edition test, bank animations and videos, and overhead transparencies. And for students there is the "Working with Molecular Cell Biology, Fifth Edition: A Study Companion and Solutions Manual".