Change Your Strategy
Change Your Results!
This isn’t your average business motivational book. It’s different.
Jim Mathis, The Reinvention Strategist doesn’t soft step around the issues here. “You are either down or you are different. You are either a loser, or a leader,” he says.
You won’t find a load of motivational platitudes that lift you higher. You won’t find cute sayings that make you feel warm and fuzzy. What you will find is successful systems and processes to reinvent yourself in challenging economic times. Methods many others are implementing right now as you read this!
Reinvention Made Easy is your personal and professional guide to knowing how to play the game…and win! You will find stories of people and corporations that went “all in” and won the entire pot. You will recognize pitfalls to bypass, and see the mistakes made by others - and how to avoid them. In the end you will know what strategies work for you and which don’t. You will be different.
Do you need this book? If you aren’t aware of your responses to any of the questions raised in Reinvention Made Easy, you do.?
Is there a “dinosaur” in your room??
Can building community at work save your organization??
Are you punishing your customers for doing business with you?
What are the 7 “Sweatin’ Questions” you need to ask your executive board?
Why don’t people buy what you think you sell?
Do you see yourself as a loser, or a leader in the new economy?
The simple truths in this book can and will make you better. You may not agree with all of them, but you can’t put it down without thinking about what you read inside. You can influence more people by what you learn from these pages than you could have ever imagined. You will see that reinvention is easy. Deciding to start it is the real test.
Are you ready to be different?