- Save valuable planning time: readymade assignments for a full Diploma so you can get straight into delivery*- use them as they stand or edit them to suit your needs.
- Deliver a varied and engaging course: assignments give learners the opportunity to produce a broad range of evidence types, including role play, information leaflets and games.
- Put learning into context: vocational scenarios bring each assignment to life and prepare learners for the real world of work.
- Give learners everything they need: where required, assignments come with evidence collection tools, including a readymade work placement logbook for Unit 5: Vocational Experience in a Health or Social Care Setting, and a completed and graded example of this to demonstrate how this might look if it were submitted for assessment.
- Assess learner work with confidence: sample learner work for each unit that has been graded by BTEC experts to help understanding of BTEC levels of Pass, Merit and Distinction.
- Upload to your VLE: CD ROM enables you to share materials with colleagues, print multiple copies, tailor assignments and provide in class examples.
All materials are available in a ring binder. A CD-ROM is also provided to give you all materials electronically: view these on screen, share examples at the front of class, tailor the assignments for your own use, and share materials with your colleagues by uploading to your VLE.
*Subject to internal verification