For students seeking to become professional electricians, as well as students in related courses in the following disciplines: architecture, consulting and electrical engineering, electrical system and product design, contracting, and electrical inspection.
This complete revision to the Vest Pocket Guide to the National Electrical Code reflects all 2002 code changes—all in a handy, 3" X 5" convenient format students and working electricians can take anywhere. Among the book's key enhancements include: new metric notation; revised numbering of articles throughout Chapter 3, and a new compilation of rules and regulations for receptacles, cord connectors and attachment plugs. The book's comprehensive coverage includes wiring methods, design, protection and materials; as well as equipment for general use, including cords, cables, fixtures, heating equipment, air-conditioning, refrigeration, transformers, capacitors, resistors and storage batteries. It also contains the most widely used information about special occupancies, including Class I, II, and III locations; healthcare facilities; garages; repair and storage facilities and many other locations.