What if science and society's most darling theories, taught as fact, were 100% wrong? What if the anomalies that disprove these theories were covered up and distorted and any serious challenges brushed off as lunacy, hysteria, junk science, and dissension?
In this primer in deprogramming, Susan B. Martinez reveals the disinformation at the root of mainstream consensus thinking. She punches gaping holes in the cherished theories of the Big Bang, Darwinian evolution, ice ages, and global warming. Drawing on the ancient science of the unseen and revelations from the Oahspe Bible as well as some of the most advanced thinkers in astrophysics, she explains a new "Theory of Everything" to replace the standard model. She explores the concept of vortexya, the cosmic whirlwind of our own geomagnetic field, which explains quite simply the subtle changes that take place on Earth and in the universe over time without the "magical thinking" of the Big Bang, global warming, or ice ages.
Martinez reveals how the instability of society itself has found its way into our theories, positing explosive change and acceleration where there is none. She explains how homo sapiens' evolution did not suddenly accelerate 40,000 years ago and culture did not accelerate to birth civilization a mere 6,000 years ago. She shows how the theories of the Freudian and Jungian unconscious and of reincarnation have grossly misrepresented the spirit of man and the psyche of humanity.
Martinez shows that the shift from the Age of Disinformation to the Age of Understanding is well underway.