Spanning the permeable boundaries of public and private, of music and syntax, of waking and dreaming, the edgy lyrics of Codes of Public Sleep constellate a rich linguistic universe shot through with questions to be savoured in slow time: Whither and whether the withering weather? Is the subject hungry yet, in the impoverished opinion of its sublime trajectory? Martin's first full-length collection is a synesthetic feast of mindful dialogue in lively antiphonies of fusion and abyss. Each poem resonates as an island in a vast neural plenum, one that is uncomfortable with the notion of the lyrical I (eye). This vision is through a mirror that reflects what we as readers imagine it reflects; in it we recognize the perpetual dance between the emptiness of conceptual habits and their insistently dazzling emergence. Fill up your cosmic cocktail and tune in to the music of the spheres, the queries of quarks. Glabella anagram? What happens next?