This book, full of data analyses, illustrations, graphics, and charts, provides a unique look at the realities of homelessness. Instead of focusing on major urban cities, the research in this book concentrates on a county in transformation from rural to urban. In its study of Harford County, Maryland, the book reveals in depth the causes and characterization of the homeless, while providing solutions to the problem. The author goes back to study changes in the homeless population and argues that the causes of homelessness have changed very little throughout the years. He lists some of the causes as changing economic structure, political conflict, unskilled populations, overcrowding, and substance abuse. Marsh also looks at fluxes in the character and demographics of society in order to show how the homeless population has changed from white male adults to minorities (mostly African American), women, and children. Contents: List of Graphs/Illustrations and Charts; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Homelessness and Shelter: Theories, Definitions, and Historical Perspectives; Survey Design and Analysis of Data Research Design/Data Collection for Homeless Clients; Homeless Demographic Characteristics, Needs, and Analysis of Data; The Faith Community: Communities of Faith Survey Design; Research Design/Data Collection for the Service Providers; Homeless Program; Findings and Recommendations; Index.