Learn how to provide rich, online mathematics instruction that maximizes the screen time you have with students and includes parents without overwhelming them. Marian Small shows teachers how to use open questions and parallel tasks as ideal strategies for teaching math in a virtual environment, how to adapt existing materials, how to build and maintain community with students online, and how and when to use “office hours” to assist students and parents. This practical resource examines the benefits that online learning affords, such as recorded lessons that families can access for reteaching and tasks that use home environments as resources for counting, measuring, geometry, data analysis, and more. Students absorb the deep message that math is indeed everywhere. Readers will find clear explanations, engaging teaching examples, and troubleshooting tips. Teaching Math Online is essential for anyone teaching K–8 math either wholly online or in blended classrooms.
Book Features:
Provides immediate assistance for teachers with either little or extensive experience teaching math online.
Offers specific suggestions for supporting parents in their new partnership role.
Addresses both logistical and pedagogical issues important to successful online learning.
Includes access to teaching videos and scripts for teachers to create their own at tcpress.com/teachingmathonline.
Provides reproducibles for creating math manipulatives and tools.
Discusses distanced formative assessment.
Suggests additional online resources.