A Grammar of Organizing provides a new, innovative perspective on the organizational challenges now facing companies in complex and dynamic business situations.This book represents a much needed departure from static theories of organizations to incorporate the dynamic and ever-changing nature of today's companies. The authors assert that management and organization theory is increasingly turning its attention to the perpetual practice of organizing and strategizing rather than just focusing on formal structures and strategies. This new paradigm is thoroughly analyzed, and the consequent management implications discussed. The book then goes on to build a much needed, coherent and fully developed theoretical framework to further expand upon this new emerging perspective. The 'activity-community' model is built around fundamental principles, and numerous case studies are used to illustrate and support this unique theoretical framework.
Offering an up-to-date overview of the latest developments within organization theory, and posing a number of important questions on this changing realm, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in management and organization studies and practices.