For many years I have stated and written at my web sites and stated on many radio shows, that your basic Satanic liberal will use any and all means to change meanings of words because their usual and meaningless selves fail all the time. I do personally believe that Satan and its demons either possess many liberals or they have run amok of their own feelings and have become seriously satanically oppressed of Satan and its demon thugs. They rewrite anything to suit their own Satanic influenced selves into meaning what they think "it" means. And that brings us to this...the rewriting of the Holy Scriptures. And, these pathetic liberals that know not much of anything, will always accuse others of what they themselves have done in a vain attempt of making themselves look better at whatever it is that they do. As you read this book always have the Scriptures open before you and pray before you read one jot and one tittle.