Experts say that when students engage in learning, comprehension is more likely to occur. Building on Marcia Tate’s successful “dendrite-growing” teaching strategies,
Reading and Language Arts Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites, based on the latest field research, contains more than 300 instructional activities and brain-compatible literacy strategies.
This classroom companion is dedicated to improving the way students learn to read and read to learn. Educators will discover hands-on techniques to help teach reading in relevant, motivating, and engaging ways. Activities cover essential areas of literacy instruction, including
- Phonemic awareness
- Phonics and vocabulary instruction
- Text comprehension
- Reading authentically, widely, and strategically
- Writing strategically
- Creating, critiquing, and discussing texts
- Conducting research
- Using technological resources
- Respecting diversity in language
- Participating in literary communities
- Using language to accomplish purposes