Most of us are scared by the mere thought of our lethal fate and even if we
try not to think about it, our mortality comes to mind more or less frequently
and conflicts with our instinct for self-preservation and self-determination. In
response to this, humans have developed several cognitive and behavioral
strategies for the management of this existential problem. The present book
addresses this human dilemma and its consequences, and further looks to
examine how existential fears influence our day-to-day consumer behavior.
According to Terror Management Theory, people may overcome their
fundamental fears by establishing a shared cultural protection system that
provides their world with meaning, order, and stability. Since consumer
products and brands may be seen as significant parts of our (consumer)
culture, it is empirically investigated whether and under what circumstances
commodities can act as symbols that provide meaning by signifying our
culture, worldviews, and identity and whether and why they are used by us
as a means of ameliorating our existential fears. This book mainly targets
consumer behavior researchers as well as marketing, branding, and
advertising executives.