For almost 3000 years the story of Jonah has intrigued, amused,inspired, encouraged, a,d challenged people of faith. This timeless story about one imperfect, complex man and his difficult relationship with God continues to engage contemporary audiences. Jonah enjoys a unique place in salvation history. His life reprises the actions of key Old Testament figures and also points forward to the New Testament and the coming Messiah. Jonah's story is a beautiful, complex, artfully crafted, work of minimalist literature which speaks a profound and resounding message of grace that still captures the human heart. This book is designed to facilitate a 40 day, shared journey through the book of Jonah. The radical revelation of the book of Jonah is that God's grace is wild. It refuses all human attempts to tame, domesticate, or restrain it. This grace continually bursts forth, in the most unexpected of places,and reaches out to the most unlikely of people.