Before his work on Batman and the hit Joker series, before he created
Karmen, there was the heartfelt story of Laura, the book that led to Guillem
March to the mainstream comics world!
Suffering from the ever-painful
experience of unrequited love, twenty- year-old Laura takes a look at her life.
Is the fact that the boy she has feelings for is in love with someone else mean
there is something wrong with her? Or is that just how young love goes? And what
will happen when she tries to get past the hurt and move on with her
Laura is an exploration into the mind of a young woman who has
experienced something most people have, but in an honest and beautiful way that
only Guillem March can bring us.
Other stories in the book include Irene,
which explores the nature of inspiration and creating art outside of one's
comfort zone, thanks to some advice from a role model and a cameo by Guillem
himself. And in Muse, an artist's search for a model puts how a young woman is
perceived by her male roommates into perspective.
Includes bonus
material, cover gallery and more in this hardcover collection.
Visual artist(s): Guillem March