The structure of society—whether political, social, economic, religious, or familial—can be described as built upon structures of acceptable blame. But what happens when we can no longer persuade each other about where blame for particular actions should land? What happens when the expected scapegoats refuse that role and bystanders question their support of sacrificing “the usual suspects”? René Girard, master theorist of scapegoating and victimage, would characterize this era as one of sacrificial crisis. The Architecture of Blame: The End of Victimage and the Beginning of Justice explores these current critical areas of failed persuasion as symptoms of a deeper and much more profound crisis in our religious, social, and political order. This book offers six precepts addressing the un- or under-theorized aspects of Girard’s theory of scapegoating and sacrificial violence. These precepts, supported with examples from religion, psychology, literature, and history, illuminate the root causes of the current sacrificial crisis in the world. They open a way forward to a future without scapegoats.