Technology may have created a 24/7 work culture, but a handful of savvy white-collar cubicle dwellers are standing up to the "the man" and using these very same (de)vices (the PC, World Wide Web, email and portable gadgets) to make it look like they're working when and where they're not.
The White Collar Slacker's Handbook: Tech Tricks to Fool Your Boss teaches you how to get away with slacking off in a corporate world and not just get away with it but even make it look like you're a dedicated, tireless workaholic at the same time. The White Collar Slacker's Handbook: Tech Tricks to Fool Your Boss also features dozens of sneaky tips, tricks and techniques on how to get away with slacking off. And it's all spelled out in plain English, complete with step-by-step instructions and visuals to help you pull it off without a hitch.
Best of all, in learning how to abuse technology to slack off, this handbook will in fact help you learn more about your PC, popular software and portable devices. How's that for irony?