Concepts of Electromagnetic Theory is a useful resource on the electromagnetic theory for undergraduate students of science and various technical streams. The book covers a wide range of topics, viz., electrical field and potential, electrostatic boundary value problem, electrostatic field in dielectric medium, magnetostatics, magnetic fields in matter, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, polarization of electromagnetic waves and optical fibre. Understanding of electromagnetic theory is also required in the electromagnetic braking, coffee ring effect, Faraday's cage and communication systems.
Difficult mathematical steps have been simplified by including all the steps of calculation, using easy and comprehensible formulae and equations. Figures and illustrations are included to make the understanding of concepts, notations and representation easy and simple.
Salient features:
Dedicated mathematical preview for better understanding.
Complete coverage of syllabus of AICTE and UGC-CBCS pattern.
Balanced approach to both theory and application.
Chapter-end summary, descriptive and multiple-choice questions.
Large number of solved and unsolved problems.