The most complete and credible business law book available, SMITH AND ROBERSON'S BUSINESS LAW, 14e, International Edition, by Richard A. Mann and Barry S. Roberts continues a long tradition of accuracy, comprehensiveness, and consistent coverage of the latest issues and emerging trends. This updated classic includes a table of contents that delivers a comprehensive, detailed, and thorough presentation of business law topics that reflect AACSB guidelines. The text also includes an excellent mix of landmark and recent cases. Longer than in most texts, end-of-chapter cases include edited facts and decisions to preserve the language of the court. Placement of cases gives instructors complete flexibility, allowing them to skip over cases easily as well as opt for a true black-letter-law case analysis approach if they choose. Classic, comprehensive, and completely up-to-date, this textbook will challenge your students--and ensure that they leave your class with a solid understanding of modern business law.