Brittisuuruus Manic Street Preachers palaa uudella musiikilla neljän vuoden tauon jälkeen. Yhtyeen kolmastoista studioalbumi kantaa nimeä Resistance Is Futile. Uudella albumilla Manic Street Preachers palaa klassiseen melankoliseen Manics –soundiin.
Albumista yhtye kertoo: “The main themes of ‘Resistance is Futile’ are memory and loss; forgotten history; confused reality and art as a hiding place and inspiration. It’s obsessively melodic - in many ways referencing both the naive energy of ‘Generation Terrorists’ and the orchestral sweep of ‘Everything Must Go’. After delay and difficulties getting started, the record has come together really quickly over the last few months through a surge of creativity and some old school hard work.”
People Give In
International Blue
Distant Colours
Dylan & Caitlin
Liverpool Revisited
Sequels of Forgotten Wars
Hold Me Like a Heaven
In Eternity
Broken Algorithms
A Song For the Sadness
The Left Behind