"This book was directly inspired by God. The Lord awakened me late one night and gave me instructions about the topics He wanted me to write in this book," she says. "At His Word, I stepped out in faith and began to write, as I was lead by His Spirit. I believe this book is for the saved and the unsaved person. It is meant to teach them who they really are in the eyes of God, so they will begin to see themselves the way that God sees them. We are not just ordinary human beings. We are super-human beings with supernatural power and authority, created in the image and likeness of our Father." "If you are not born again when you begin to read this book, I pray that the Spirit of the Living God will move upon you and you will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. I also pray for you as Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17-23, that you will receive revelation knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment in the thoughts, ways and intents that God has towards you. God bless you as you look into the mirror of His Word and see yourself as God sees you."