Business sustainability is the management of environmental, social, and financial demands to ensure responsible, ethical, and ongoing success. Businesses appear to have not only bought into integrating sustainability into their business plans, but have started profiting from it. This book helps project, program, and portfolio managers to integrate sustainability thinking into their projects. It contains tools that enable you to baseline present sustainability efforts and analyze the gaps between the baseline and the strategy.
In Driving Project, Program, and Portfolio Success: The Sustainability Wheel, the authors present advice on how enterprises can attain higher levels of sustainability and sustained project success. The book introduces a new tool called the Sustainability WheelTM that tells you where you are and what you need to improve.
The Sustainability Wheel identifies six interrelated dimensions of sustainability integration:
Respect – the sustainability philosophy of the organization
Reflect – how that philosophy is conveyed internally
Connect – how external stakeholders view the organization
Detect – how the organization identifies, analyzes, and responds to sustainability threats
Reject – how the organization eliminates inefficiency and waste
Project – how the organization identifies, develops, and measures opportunities and converts them to projects and programs aligned with its central mission
The book contains a set of questions designed to measure your organization’s sustainability in each dimension. Armed with this valuable feedback, you can determine priorities for sustainability improvement, validate that present sustainability efforts are within your organization’s mission/vision, and provide a mechanism to integrate sustainability into everyday operations. This can lead your organization to key benefits such as improved innovation, reduced waste, higher morale, and simply better-executed projects that are more fully in line with the enterprise goals.
Watch a video about the book.