Every father's relationship with his child is unique and every child, boy or girl, looks upon their dad in a different way. Whatever the differences, however, to your child, you are the World's Best Dad, and living up to that title can be an enormous challenge. It's a challenge made easier to tackle with a healthy dose of good humour and the benefit of the experiences of others. Despite the fact that your bond with your child is unique, you can rest assured that millions of men before you have gone through the same emotions, have faced the same dilemmas and have felt the same heartaches watching their children grow up. "Just For You, Dad" taps into the experiences of scores of dads whose quotes and anecdotes are sure to make you laugh as they describe familiar scenes from operating as a sparring partner, 24-hour bank or driving instructor to feeling that hug that's reserved just for dad or the tears of pride that can catch you out just when you least expect them. Guaranteed to raise a smile, browsing through "Just For You, Dad" is just what you need to help you face up to the lifelong job of being the World's Best Dad!