Dumas Malone's classic biography Jefferson and His Time - originally published in six volumes over a period of thirty-four years, between 1948 and 1982 - was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in history and became the standard work on Jefferson's life. The University of Virginia Press is pleased to announce that the complete illustrated six-volume biography is available for the first time in a handsome boxed set. Merrill Peterson, editor of the Library of America edition of Thomas Jefferson's writings, has contributed a new foreword to the Virginia edition. In this second volume, Malone recounts the eventful middle years of Jefferson's life, beginning with the European mission and Jefferson's ministry to France and continuing through his role in the French revolution and his memorable service as secretary of state in the first cabinet of George Washington. This volume also relates the crucial beginning of Jefferson's ideological differences with both Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Party.
Foreword by: Merrill D. Peterson