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POWER BOILERS, TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDBased on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, is designed to provide the clearest, most up-to-date information on the fabrication, inspection, and testing of power boilers.
With this book, readers will find valuable insights into: National Board Inspection Code for repairs and alterations rules, pipeline corrosion, integrity management, in-line inspection and pigs, run-or-repair decisions, analysis of metal loss B31G and RSTRENG, analysis of dents, gouges and fatigue damage and non-welded and welded repairs and replacements.
- Installation, Operation, Inspection, and Maintenance methods for repair and alteration
- A boiler inspector's insights on meeting code requirements
- Expert advice on repair and alteration to National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors standards
- Design specifications
- Code calculations
- Tips on complying with local and national requirements