'Access', the second album by Major Murphy, is an album born out of being at a crossroads. It's also, without question, an album to blast at an unruly volume to soundtrack an experience one might have standing at that crossroads. It's remarkably cohesive - a striking relic in an age where ardent and true 'album-making' is a fading art form full of heavy rock'n'roll sounds and textured atmospheres fused with pro-idea, hyper-creative jittery warmth. In nine songs, it somehow takes a listener backwards and forwards at once, reckoning with intrinsic anxieties while conceptualizing a fantastical and vibrant happening, soothing in its familia familiar, occasionally childlike tone.
1. Access
2. Attention
3. IntheMeantime
4. Unfazed
5. Real
6. Rainbow
7. TearItApart
8. Flower
9. Blind