This volumes includes a series of 17 selected essays, preceded by a methodological introduction, whose purpose is to offer a fresh outlook on the question of rewriting-reprising. The argument, taking for granted the phenomenon of intertextuality, develops along three main axes: the first one reconsiders the already debated issue of authority on post-structuralist premises, arguing that the origin of a text is untraceable. The second looks at a phenomenon often associated with reprising, especially in a post-colonial context: trauma, whether individual or historical, in relation to creative repetition. The third axis offers a re-reading of the question of voice, introducing the notion of the textual voice, understood as that part of the enunciative act over which the author has no control.When writers make of reprising a deliberate practise, we are tempted to believe that their position, between homage and pillage, presupposes the existence of a traceable source of the literary Word. We must however face the problematic nature of enunciation, the void on which is is founded. Which leads us to the proposition that the act of reprising is a creation ex nihilo: a certain mode of organisation around that void. Besides, in a century of major man-made traumas, whose effect was the tearing up of social fabrics, reprising will assume a more complex significance: the symptomatic, repetitive stitching of what is being constantly ripped up.