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Identify, locate, and solve problems in the hottest avionicsThe new equipment for planes is exciting--and now you can keep it all working smoothly with the best guide ever written on caring for avionics. Written by avionics specialist Edward R. Maher, this crystal-clear guide brings you—
*Repair strategies for the dynamically changing environment of avionics in general aviation
*Coverage of audio noiseproofing, communications systems, GPS, sheet metal, bonding and adhesives, Stormscope, ELT’s, lighting systems, instrument calibration, gyros, and more
*Assembly, installation, and troubleshooting techniques for use by both pilots and technicians
*Clear answers on what pilots can do (and when you need a certified mechanic)
*Problem-identification, diagnostic, and repair procedures you will find nowhere else
*Related FAA rules and regulations, plus industry standards
*Comprehensive information on equipment and needed tools
Troubleshoot and repair the most common problems of the most popular avionics!
A volume in the Practical Flying Series