Gramophone Awards
Shortlisted - Early Music
Gramophone Magazine
March 2024
Editor's Choice
Philip Cave
Verdelot: Ultimi mei sospiri
Lassus: Magnificat secundi toni "Ultimi miei sospiri" LV1182
Nollet: Quanto in mille anni
Lassus: Magnificat secundi toni "Quanto in mille anni" LV889
Reulx: S’io credessi per morte
Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni "S'io credessi per morte essere scarco" LV1152
Rore: Alma real
Lassus: Magnificat octavi toni "Alma real se come fide stella" LV 1179
Jacquet de Berchem: O s’io potessi donna
Lassus: Magnificat secundi toni "O s'io potessi donna" LV1151
Rore: Vergine bella
Lassus: Magnificat primi toni 'Vergine bella' LV1159
Morales, C: Quando lieta sperai
Lassus: Magnificat quarti toni "Quando lieta sperai", LV 896
Vecchi: O che vezzosa Aurora
Lassus: Magnificat secundi toni "O che vezzosa aurora" LV1183
Nanino, G M: Erano i capei d’oro
Lassus: Magnificat septimi toni "Erano i capei d’oro", LV 1175
Striggio: D’ogni gratia e d’amor
Lassus: Magnificat septimi toni "D’ogni gratia e d’amor" LV1188
Striggio: Ecco ch’io lasso il core
Lassus: Magnificat secundi toni "Ecco ch’io lasso il core" LV893
Rore: Ancor che co'l partire
Lassus: Magnificat quarti toni "Ancor che col partire" LV557
Rore: Da le belle contrade
Lassus: Magnificat sexti toni "Da le belle contrade" LV1171
Lassus: S’io esca vivo
Lassus: Magnificat septimi toni "S'io esca vivo" LV1189
Under the direction of Philip Cave, Magnificat embarks on a three-volume journey exploring the ingenuity of Orlandus Lassus. In this rich collection of Magnificats based on polyphonic models, Lassus - 'The Alchemist' - demonstrates an unsurpassed ability to reimagine existing material in the creation of his own works. This first volume of the series presents Lassus's Magnificats based on madrigals, featuring models by Philippe Verdelot, Cipriano de Rore, and Alessandro Striggio among others. The second album will comprise Lassus's canticles based on motets, and the third will conclude with those inspired by chansons. In celebrating Lassus as 'The Alchemist', Magnificat reveals the creative process and skill he employed in re-working the original music and illuminates a significant repertory that is underrepresented in contemporary liturgical or concert settings.
"These are all very experienced musicians with marvellous voices and a deep understanding of the repertory; and Philip Cave guides them with a thoroughly experienced and musically thoughtful hand." - Gramophone Magazine, March 2024