Take charge and lead your people successfully through any change initiative
When change affects an organization, leaders-from the top executive to line supervisors-need to demonstrate effective leadership skills as never before. This is critical to retaining and engaging talented employees so your business can implement new ideas and continue to satisfy your customers.
Managing in Times of Change shows how to help your workforce realize the benefits of change and flourish within their new environment and responsibilities. Twenty-four workplace-proven leadership lessons and tools provide you with a uniquely personal look at the impact of organizational change, detailing strategies to:>
Understand natural reactions to change
Communicate and personify the benefits of change
Gather your assets and resources
Isolate and clarify areas of impact
Paint a consistent picture of the current change
Forge personal goals
Get team members involved
Squash the rumor mill
Empathize without always agreeing
Measure and celebrate progress
Improvise, adapt, adjust
Stand up for people if they are right