Seniors are America's most dependable voters. They have more time, money, and interest on average than any other voter group and they turn out to vote at a greater rate in elections at every level—thus they are most coveted by all kinds of candidates seeking office. But definitions of seniors are changing and so, too, must the campaign outreach techniques and strategies used by candidates, consultants, political parties, and advocacy groups, especially to reach seniors with special needs such as limited sight, hearing, and mobility. This book describes the growing size and power of the senior electorate, reports national survey results on what seniors think about a variety of policy questions, and identifies the best ways to reach senior voters during election campaigns from the local to the national. An invaluable resource for a variety of readers, Targeting Senior Voters offers practical advice as well as trenchant analysis of trends that will affect all voters, officeholders, media, and senior service providers in election year 2000 and beyond.