The Orlando Consort
Machaut: Fortune's Child
Machaut: Gais & Jolis
Machaut: Dous Amis, Oy Mon Complaint
Machaut: Dame, Je Vueil Endurer
Machaut: Trop Plus Est Bele / Biauté Paree De Valour / Je Ne Sui Mie
Machaut: Douce Dame, Tant Com Vivray
Machaut: Dou Mal Qui M'A Longuement
Machaut: Comment Puet On Miex Ses Maus Dire
Machaut: Dame, Vostre Dous Viaire
Machaut: Hé! Mors! / Fine Amour / Quare Non Sum Mortuus
Machaut: Dame, Mon Cuer Enportez
Machaut: Riches D'Amour
Machaut: Helas! Pour Quoy Virent / Corde Mesto / Libera Me
Machaut: Puis Que Ma Dolour Agree
Machaut: Honte, Paour, Doubtance
"As we have come to expect with this group, the performances are eminently professional and poised. The duet Riches d’amour is marvellously tuned and lithe, and several of the solo pieces (Dame je vueil, Dou mal etc) are sung with purity and precision." - BBC Music Magazine June 2018