The field of drug and alcohol studies has expanded rapidly in recent years, with estimates of at least a doubling in the number of publications in the past decades. A feature of this wide and multidisciplinary field is the tendency of sub-groups of scholars to operate within their disciplinary silos, paying only token attention to the contributions of others. There are also, naturally, significant differences in approaches of different countries, reflecting different policy frameworks and cultural perspectives. When faced with these challenges to comprehensive study, a publication such as this new six-volume collection - which aims to bring together the various disparate strands of the topic, including key articles written by scholars from across the globe, disciplines and decades - truly proves itself to be a unique and valuable resource for specialist students and researchers in the field.
Volume One: Historical and Cultural studies
Volume Two: Theoretical Perspectives
Volume Three: Methods and Measurements
Volume Four: Policy Approaches
Volume Five: Interventions
Volume Six: Current Trends, Continuing Issues and New Challenges