This handbook sets out a clear organisational rationale of coaching and/or mentoring and provides structured activities for self-reflection or groups. It will be particularly suitable for Higher Education institutions which are considering the development of mentoring as part of their effective professional relationships and working practices. The handbook offers a number of definitions of coaching and mentoring. But, while definitions are helpful they are not sufficient in themselves to inform our practices. This handbook therefore extends our thinking by examining how the practices of coaching and mentoring have explicit links with models of learning. A case study of the learning-centred model that has been successfully piloted at the Institute of Education illustrates these links in practice. In addition, the handbook covers: the benefits of coaching/mentoring; the purposes of coaching/mentoring; who can be a coach/mentor; the activities involved; the skills required; dialogue in coaching/mentoring; personal qualities necessary in effective relationships; ethical guidelines. The accompanying CD contains printable masters of the activities.