Many building design firms, engineering consultancies and architectural practices are seeking certification that they provide a quality assured service. Since the adoption of BS 5750 as the European Quality Assurance System Standard, consultants and organizations offering building design services have needed a practical guide to its implementation. "Quality Assurance for Building Design" provides this guide. It shows how to develop a quality system, the benefits of such a system for building and design organizations, and how to adapt a system already in operation within a company to conform to BS 5750. It offers advice to the building design professional on how to complete documentation needed to implement BS 5750 in the context of the organization's own working methods. It examines the financial, legal and international implications of quality assurance and gives practical advice and worked examples of internal audit forms. The book is aimed at postgraduates and professionals and is suitable for the RICS Diploma course, College of Estate Managemet and for research and reference by the professional building design consultant.