Business information is an important subject in contemporary social and economic historical studies. One reason is the revolution in information technology of the recent decades. Another reason is the he impact of neo-institutional economics, which singled out information costs as an important factor in economic performance. However, this attention has primarily been paid to contemporary or recent use of business information.
The present book looks at the role of business information from a long time-perspective (13502000), with the aim, not least, of pointing out the continuity and the evolutionary character of the changing use of information.
The chapters of this book, however, not only cover a long period and a varied subject matter. They also represent new and fresh analytical perspectives on the issue of business information, in addition to providing us with original historical research. This book will attract any scholar interested in information flows from the mid-fourteenth century to the present day.
Teoksessa analysoidaan taloudellisen tiedon muutosta pitkällä aikavälillä, 1350-luvulta 2000-luvulle. Kohteena ovat tiedon välitysmekanismit, organisaatiot ja valtioiden toiminta tiedonkulun tehostamiseksi. Artikkelit käsittelevät informaation näkökulmasta niin keskiajan markkinaintegraatiota kuin viimeisimpiä pörssiromahduksia. Kirjoittajina on joukko eturivin taloushistorioitsijoita, kaikkiaan kahdeksasta eri maasta.