Awaken young children to the sounds birds make, and to their own unique voices.
In Birds Sing Their Words, two young children, guided by an adult, take a springtime walk through a city neighborhood, noticing how birds communicate. The sounds of fee-bee and per-chick-a-ree are all around them—alone, in chorus, or call-and-response style. The children learn that our own diverse voices parallel the many songs that birds sing.
Birds Sing Their Words:
Shows that children can connect with nature and its important lessons, no matter where they live
Engages young children in reflecting on the natural world
Includes activity ideas to engage children in learning about birds in their own neighborhoods
This book is part of the Outside Our Window Board Books series, which encourages children—especially those in urban neighborhoods—to explore, protect, and delight in nature. Each book in the series focuses on one feature of the natural world (like birds), one sense (hearing), and one social or emotional learning skill (communication). The books emphasize community and encourage children and families to explore the natural world around them.
Illustrated by: Stella Lim