Now that computers are part of most schools' resources, attention shifts from asking whether we need them to figuring out how to get full educational return from our investment? The authors provide librarians and teachers with instructional activities that effectively integrate the use of computers and 19 curricular related software programs into the ongoing classroom program. The heart of the book contains four parts, each devoted to a particular kind of software. Part I covers standard software utility programs (paint programs, graphic organizers, graphing programs, timeline programs, word processors, database programs, and spreadsheet programs). Part II is devoted to eight popular curricular related programs (Postcards, Community Exploration, Changes Around Us, Animals in the World, Tenth Planet: Spatial Relationship, Tenth Planet: Creating Patterns from Shapes, Table Top, Jr., and Science Sleuths). Part III deals with electronic and online resources Including library catalogs, general encyclopedias, and magazine/newspaper index programs. Part IV focuses on presentation programs. This unique handbook will help you to infuse technology into the processes of all teaching and learning.