TALES FROM THE LYONHEART...Fantastic Adventures by Richard K. Lyon...This is a stunning collection of Short Stories and Novellas that range from Science Fiction to Fantasy, Humor to Mystery, and Satire to Current Events, all told in the author's unique style! A member of the SFWA, as well as a Scientist and Inventor, Richard K. Lyon has numerous writing credentials and has appeared in many mainstream magazines, such as Analog, as well as small-press publications, and was a frequent collaborator with Andrew J. Offutt. His works cover a span of 30 years, and Wild Cat Books is proud to present many of his best tales in one volume! Includes 13 stories, such as "Rotational Assignment", "Renting to Elephants", "The Nun's Demon Lover", "New Jerusalem", "New York vs. The Great Apes", and a previously unpublished tale; "Creation Science 101"...This is a book that you will find yourself reading again and again...