An ECG, or electrocardiogram, is a simple test that records the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart. It is commonly used to detect abnormal heart rhythms and investigate the cause of chest pains. It is important for clinicians to recognise and interpret ECG patterns accurately to ensure correct diagnosis and effective treatment.
The sixth edition of ECG Made Easy has been fully revised to provide trainees and clinicians with the latest advances in the field.
Beginning with an overview of ECG terms, leads and normal values, the following sections present numerous abnormal ECG readings and the resulting diagnoses. The book concludes with interesting cases diagnosed with ECG as well as instruction on how to effectively report ECG findings.
This updated edition includes a new chapter covering the use of ECG in a patient fitted with a pacemaker.
Each chapter features illustrative diagrams, graphs and tables. The book includes online access to supplementary videos detailing the basics of electrocardiography.
Key Points
Fully revised, new edition presenting latest advances in ECG
Features new chapter on ECG with a pacemaker
Includes online access to supplementary videos on ECG techniques
Previous edition (9789386150219) published in 2016