Features chapters on: Aston Villa, Barnsley, Birmingham City, Bolton Wanderers, Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Queen's Park Rangers, Southampton, Swindon and Town Tottenham Hotspur.
How much do you really know about the origin of your club? Would you like to read about it in fascinating detail?
Few people are aware that, of the 41 clubs that have played in the FA Premier League since its inception in the 1992-3 season, 12 can trace their origin directly to a church. However, many of these 12 famous football clubs know little about their origins or founders.
John Motson, the 'voice of football', writes in the Foreword:
‘This book sets the record straight. Drawing on original materials from a variety of sources, peter Lupson has been able to bring these pioneers to life and to transport us back to the time in which they lived. Their remarkable contribution to our great national game is at last given the recognition it deserves. We have good reason to thank God for them.'