Matthew Luckiesh DSc, DE, (1883-1967) was an American physicist and, as the Director of General Electric's Lighting Research Laboratory at its Nela Park National Lamps Works facility in East Cleveland, Ohio, he pursued research on light and vision. In his day, he was known as the "Father of the Science of Seeing. " Luckiesh developed several theories on color and its physiological effect on people. He was also interested in determining the conditions under which optimal visibility was achieved, and in examining the relationship between light and seeing, in order to design better types of lamps. During World War I he studied camouflage, and later invented artificial sunlight and germicidal lamps. He produced eleven U. S. patents, 28 books and about 860 scientific and technical articles, published between 1911 and 1960. His works include: Color and its Applications (1915), Artificial Light: Its Influence Upon Civilization (1920), Visual Illusions (1922), The Book of the Sky (1922), Foundations of the Universe (1925), The Science of Seeing (with Frank K. Moss) (1937), Color and Colors (1938) and Light, Vision and Seeing (1944).