In the sequel to The Mating Game, The Forever Game is an eye-opening provocative and sensual look at the varied approaches to the dating scene—if possessing charm, wit, good looks and success doesn't guarantee finding the perfect mate, what does?
The second book in a two-part series, The Forever Game brings back three best friends from the nation's capital as they maneuver the dating scene. Each is searching for "the one" while running from all the broken hearts and drama they leave in their wake.
Taika—beautiful, intelligent, and confident—has finally found her perfect man. But issues in the bedroom threaten to strain the relationship beyond repair. Vince is a hopeless romantic artist who sees the potential in every woman he dates, until he is painfully forced to admit failure with each one. And Trey saunters from one lustful encounter to another, casually going in and out of passing dalliances. But is his cavalier attitude just a way to escape the pain of the love of his life, who broke his heart?
Then two mysterious women enter their lives, and suddenly the worlds of Trey, Vince and Taika collide. They must choose where their loyalties lie, and how much they are willing to give up in order to find lasting love.