You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that marriages are in real trouble today. Look all around you, couples are hurting. We know all of the statistics that we get bombarded with everyday concerning the chances that marriages have of surviving in this day and age. But what exactly are we doing about it? It's time we stop being part of the negative statistics. Instead, let's do something to change them. I want to propose a method of doing just that. I have devised a 7 Step Plan to MAXIMIZE YOUR MARRIAGE IN 21 DAYS. It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Is this always true of everybody? Of course not! Is it usually true of most people? Absolutely! If you will put two or more of the 7 Steps that I'm going to give you, into practice within your marriage on a daily basis for 21 days, your chances for the survival of your marriage are not only going to improve greatly, but you will maximize the quality of your relationship. Isn't your marriage worth it?