Mosul, Iraq, 2016 - once ISIL's greatest conquest but fast becoming a giant graveyard, where the difference between a gruesome death or wretched survival is just a matter of chance. As attacks by the Western coalition forces devastate the city, even senior ISIL officers like Karl realise defeat is inevitable.
On his instructions, two ISIL jihadists travel across the EU Schengen Zone, planning to bring terror to a Western European city. German police officer Max Kellerman is on their tail - can he find them in time to prevent a catastrophic loss of life?
Hema and Faqir Al-Douri flee the Mosul death trap in search of peace and safety in Western Europe. As poor, homeless refugees, they face the impossible task of crossing unfriendly borders in Asia and Eastern Europe to reach the safe-haven they dream of. Their journey is fraught with danger and protecting their family demands sacrifices they could never have imagined.
The Al-Douri's desperate attempt to find freedom in the face of heartless bureaucracy, murderous violence and venal corruption is in stark contrast with the jihadists' dark intent as they journey across a borderless Europe.
As with his bestselling African Diamonds trilogy, Christopher Lowery combines detailed factual events with a gripping multi-stranded plot, whose topicality is inescapable. From North Africa through Eastern and Western Europe, The Mosul Legacy confronts the reader with the devastating truth behind today's newspaper headlines.
The perfect read for fans of Gerald Seymour, Chris Ryan and Roger Pearce.