This is the first and only reference volume covering the subject of windows in depth - no other book offers this wealth of practical detail. It is highly accessible, written for both the professional and interested layperson Written by a team of 15 experts - surveyors, structural engineers, craftsmen and conservators describing their own approaches to specific materials, problems and designs. It includes over 400 illustrations in colour and black and white, from a wide range of sources, including historic drawings, paintings, pattern books, textbooks, manufacturers' catalogues and contemporary and archive photographs. It is an invaluable asset for everyone involved with windows on a daily basis, combining the knowledge of leading historians and experts in the field of window conservation. The window is a familiar yet surprisingly complex feature, with a rich history that has not, up until now, been explored in any great depth. This encyclopaedic work is both a fascinating exploration of the history and development of the window, and a practical hands-on guide to their care and preservation. Part 1 covers the history of the window including the development in glass technology.
It also provides an illustrated glossary of window types. Part 2 reviews the changes in policy and legislation and discusses structural issues, decay mechanisms and the current stringent performance standards and how they affect historic windows. Part 3 focuses on the materials used in the construction of windows and the craft of leaded glazing. It details the appropriate techniques for repair and conservation. Windows is fully illustrated in both colour and mono to include over 400 high quality illustrations.